Our Local Vendors

Accountant | CPA | 1031 Exchange

Looking for a trusted accountant? Your financial success matters to us. Connect with us to find the perfect accountant for your needs.

– Sute CPA: 678-202-5953 / Michael Sute / Sutecpa.com

– SMC Innovations: 404-452-2312 / Matthew Hone / Smcinnovationsllc.com

– Kim Macconnell: 404-966-0834

– IPX1031 Exchange:  (904) 461-9977 / Whitney Brennan / IPX1031

– 1031 Exg Starker Services:  (404) 872-1031 / John Mangham

Appliance Repair

Looking for appliance repair? We’ve got you covered!

Top-Notch Appliance: 404-713-8245 / Brian Farrow / Topnotchappliancerepairservicellc.com

Cleaning / Windows / Powerwash

Experience the joy of a freshly cleaned home. Contact us today to connect with the perfect house cleaning service and transform your space. Your pristine home is just a click away.

Organize Plus Cleaning: 470-263-6315 / Maria Tavares / Organizepluscleaning.com

Citrus Solutions (Carpet Cleaning): South Cherokee 678-520-4260 Frank: North Cherokee

678-315-4411 / Connie John / Lcjcitrus.com

Elwood Hemming Enhance Power Washing : (678) 713-1167 / Anna Parker Hemming

Marie Miller (Deep cleaning – great for pre-listing or post-moving): 770-479-6121 / Mariescleaningservice.com

– ClearView (Window Cleaning / Powerwash): 770-926-1960 / Clearviewatl.com

ClearChoice (Carpet Cleaning): 706-252-4255 / Baxter Robinson /

Concrete / Driveway / Sidewalks

For top-notch concrete solutions, explore our trusted vendors. Quality guaranteed.

Arbor Hill Construction: 678-463-0807 / Rachael / Arborhillsconstruction.com

Mudjack Atlanta : 770-941-0568 / Matt / mudjackatlanta.com


The Contract Closers – 706-897-0868 / Tanya Pertschi / Thecontractclosers.com


Discover skilled deck builders through Townsend Realty Group. Create the perfect outdoor retreat with our trusted partners.

Chris Shearin: 404-569-9211

Ridgeline Construction – 678-880-6187 / Bradley Matthews / Ridgelineconstructiongroup.com

Exterior Design and Decks – 470-255-4055 / Chris Hanner / Exteriordesigndecks.com

Magic Wand Deck Restoration: 770-616-1787 / Facebook.com/MagicWandDeckRestoration

Roberson Renovations: 678-250-8343

Dumpster Rental

Down To Dump: 404-861-7021 / John Kelley / Downtodump.com


OutFront (Real Estate Certifications): 404-668-7768 / Allen Nielsen / Garealestateeducation.com


APEC Electrical Contractor: 770-720-0419 / Apecelectric.com

JB Electric Company: 678-457-0494 / Jbelectriccompany.com

Jeremiah Samples: 678-491-5340 / Sampleelectric.net

Estate Sales

Max Sold: Maxsold.com

Everything But The House: 470-298-2005 / Jenny / Ebth.com

Your Junk Guys: 678-877-4499 / Yourjunkguys.com

Bee’s Knees Estate Sales: 404-974-7090 / Cheryl Speir Groth / Beeskneesestatesales.com

Vintage Girls: 678-414-7544 / Acrazylove.com/the-vintage-girls-estate-sales

Christi Cronin: 770-596-0492

Antique Furniture: 404-824-5157

Anna Hix: 678-517-7001

Certified Estate Sales: 470-258-3110 / Steven and Deanna Holcombe / Certifiedestatesales.com


Longoria’s Five Star Fencing: 770-704-6021 / Ramiro Longoria / longoriafence.com

Financial & Estate Planning

Wiser Financial: 678-905-4450 / Casey Smith / Wiserinvestor.com

Ashford Advisors: 770-390-2644 / Matt Lipscom / Ashford Advisors


GA Flooring: 678- 395-7182 / Cassie Zavodny / Gaflooring.com

Maxcare Atlanta: 770-572-4571 / Hank Shearin / Maxcarehardwoodfloors.com

Empire Today LLC: 404-313-3041 / John McConnell / Empiretoday.com

A&P Painting & Flooring: 470-300-90-60 / Walter Nunez / Appaintingandflooring.com

Gotcha Covered Flooring: 770-681-6476 / Joey Webb / Gotchacoveredga.com

– Sunshine Interior: 678-560-8575 / Gina Ryals / Sunshineinteriorservices.com

Country Carpet: 770-479-9624

Hugh Teems: 770-231-8500


Gas South: 470-5564-0603 / Brenda Turner / Gassouth.com

Garage Door Repair

Josh Tunget: 404-610-5909

General Contractor

Russ Gambino: 404-966-6167 / Buildzoom.com

Walden Price: 770-771-2857

Aimee Parscale: 770-633-8257


Wellington Granite: 404-936-5313 / Wellingtongranite.co.nz


B Squared Property Services: 678-776-4032 / Dave Campbell / B2propertybuyers.com

Russ Gambino: 404-966-6167 / Larger Jobs or Renovations / General Contractor

Chris Shearin: 404-569-9211

Nelson Munos: 678-923-5338

George Kent: 404-992-4697

Health Insurance

Affordable Health Insurance: 678-644-6977 / Cheryl Farmer / Affordablehealthinsurance.com

US Health Advisors: 404-644-8072 / Gina Ryals / Ushealthgroup.com

Heating and Air

HVAC BEE: 678-654-7037 / Mark Stasevich / HVACBEE.com

Cheshire Heating and Air: 770-735-2724 / Hugh Fannin / Cheshirehvac.com

Home Warranty

2-10 Home Warranty: 678-346-1333 / 2-10.com


Amerispec: 770-734-0232 / Valeria Ogle / Amerispec.com

House Master Property: 770-847-0449 / Sophie Coty / Housemaster.com

Independent Inspectors: 404-790-3523 / Earl Beahm

InspectorRX Inc.: 770-329-4424 / Oby Arnold / Inspectorrx.com

US Inspect: 404-434-1688 / David Fogle / Usinspect.com

At Ease Inspections: 770-722-5475 / John Battaglia / Ateaseinspections.net


Georgia Insurance Advisors: 678-644-6977 / Amy Worley / Gainsadvisors.com

Mutual of Omaha (Health Insurance): 678-644 6977 / Cheryl Farmer / Mutualofomaha.com

Interior Design

Renee Tjomstol: 470-494-5240

Aimee Parscale: 770-633-8257


Xfinity: 770-814-6416 / Tom Schayer / Xfinity.com

Set Up 2 Connect: 770-814-6416 / Tom Schayer

Junk Removal

– JDog: 844-438-5364 / Jdogjunkremoval.com

– Your Junk Guys: 678-877-4499 / Yourjunkguys.com

Landscaping Service

Shamrock Landscaping Maintenance: 404-328-8836 / Taylor Buckles / Facebook.com/shamrocklandscape

Clear Creek Landscaping: 678-478-1420 / www.clearcreeklandscapingllc.com

T&J Landscape : 470-302-5610 / John Cuomo / Tandjlandscapingllc.com

Bear Irrigation (Sprinkler Repair): 770-722-5475 / Joe Bear


T&J Landscape : 470-302-5610 / John Cuomo / Tandjlandscapingllc.com


Long View Lighting: 770-318-4143 / John Long / Longviewlightingga.com


Locksmith Security – Canton: 770-587-1407 / https://lock23halfkeys.com/

Mold / Odor

ONEighty Solutions (Mold/Odor): 678-274-6511 / Melissa Carlo / Oneightysolutions.com

Green Home Solutions (Mold/Odor): 404-513-2005 / Carl Carlson / Greenhomesolutions.com


Atlanta Moving Solutions: 770-614-1943 / Matt Donaldson / Atlantamovingsolutions.com

Charlie’s Angels Movers: 678-523-5353 / Kristen Lee / Charliesangelsmovers.com


An Organized Space: 678-525-3813 / Lynda Grodd / Anorganizedspace.com


Jesus Villegas: 770-560-6475

– Peach Painting: 404-271-6679 / michael@peachpaint.com / peachpaint.com

Ronnie Fowler: 678-662-0890

Friendly Monster: 678-662-0890 / friendlymonsterpainting.com

East Atlanta Painting: 770-551-0101 / Kenny Miley

Five Star Painting: 404-819-9722 / Dan McMillan / Fivestarpainting.com

A&P Painting & Flooring: 470-300-90-60 / Walter Nunez / Appaintingandflooring.com

Pest Control

Fewer Bugs Inc.: 678-493-2789 / Chris Quay / Fewerbugs.com

Pest U.S.A: 404-895-5757 / Randy Jones / Pestusa.com

Arrow Exterminators: 770-862-0151 / Yessica Etchebarne / Arrowexterminators.com

Northwest Exterminating: 678-822-6405 / Ashley Sequens / Callnorthwest.com


Birdz-I Imaging: 770-354-0166 / Spence Williams / Birdz-iimaging.com

VantagePoint 3D: 678-674-4740 / Jon Showe / Vantagepoint3d.com

Camgrove Photography: 404-803-0842 / Alec Martin / Facebook.com/camgroverealty

Wow REM: 770-800-3630 / Carl / Wowrem.com

John Humphrey: 770-846-1925


Towne Plumber: 770-257-7503 / Shane Mahaffey / Towneplumber.com

PG Plumbing. Alpharetta: 678-791-5254 / Pgplumbing.org

GA Plumber Inc.: 770-592-0081 / Mygeorgiaplumber.com

JVF Plumbing Contractors: 470-469-4284 / Raul de la Vega / Jvfplumbing.com


Aqua Classic Pools LLC: 770-609-0879 / John MacGregor / aquaclassicpools.com

My Pool Builders: 678-756-2925 / Ken Reda / mypoolbuilders.com

Transformation Pools: 678-643-3859 / Scott Garland / transformationpools.com

Premier Pool Service: 404-496-5579 / Jason Smith / premierpoolenterprises.com

Chris Wilson: 770-609-0879 / Maintenance

Property Management

DK Rental: 678-296-8944 / Todd Reid / Dkrentals.net

Skyline Properties Group: 770-880-9440 /Judy Cook / Skylinepropertiesga.com


B Squared Property Services: 678-776-4032 / Dave Cambell / B2propertybuyers.com

Cliff: 770-833-8075

Aimee Parscale: 770-633-8257


Hampton Restoration Group: 678-880-8242 / Michael Hampton / Hamptonrestorationgroup.com

SEG Restoration: (678) 925-7563 / Southeastrestoration.com

Bobby Sheehan General Manager – Restoration Division Bobby@SEGRestoration.com

All Dry: 678-800-9376 / Christian Blackstock / All Dry


Premier Roofing: 770-617-8889 / Mandy Seiz / Premiereroofs.com

Benchmark Roofing: 678-386-2159 / Lorne Brown / Benchmarkremodeling.com

ARAC Roof It Forward: 770-815-1128 / Casey Beaver / Roofitforward.com

Roofing Done Wright: 470-985-3733 / R.J. Dappen / Roofingdonewright.com

Halo Roofing & Remediation: 770-213-7250 / Missy Green / Halorestorations.com

Septic Maintenance

Rim Riley: 706-252-0113

Action Septic Tank Service: 770-922-1434 / actionseptictankservice.com


Creative Concepts: 470-494-5240 / Renee Tjomstol / Creativeconceptsstaging.com

Rhonda Lowe Interior: 770-403-0396 / Rhonda Lowe

Structural Engineer

Erudite Engineers Inc: 404-693-4959 / Malcome Foss PE


Nathan Johnston: 770-387-6634

Tax Advisors

Liftin Consulting: 864-901-5906 / Renesah Davis

Sute CPA’s: 678-202-5953 / Michael Sute


Aimee Parscale: 770-633-8257

Gotha Covered: 770-681-6476 / Joey Webb

Maxcare Atlanta: 770-572-4571 / Hank Shearin / Maxcarehardwoodfloors.com

Trash Removal Services

Glen Miller: 770-366-2758

JDog Junk Removal: 678-827-5364 / Rebecca (Veteran Owned) / Jdogjunkremoval.com

Rakers Junk Removal: 678-778-1397 / Rakersjunkremoval.com

Tree Services

Kilmurry Tree Service : 770-917-0808 / Kevin or Julie / kilmurrytree.com/ – Good for really big job

Atlanta Arbor: 770-765-6555 / Kyle Walls – Any kind of tree issues / Atlantaarbor.com

Discount Express Tree Service: 404-553-4183 / Luis Rivera

Chris Shearin: 404-569-9211

All Around Outdoor (Stump Grinding and grading): 770-823-1902 / Roger Stewart / Allaroundtownservices.com


Anderson Windows: 678-983-5594 / Will Banks / Andersenwindows.com

Canton Glass: 770-479-2345 / Cantonglass.net

Universal Windows Direct of Atl: 770-906-6666 / Euqeniy Popov / Universalwindowsdirect.com

Fast Glass: 770-428-0819 / Fastglassmirrorsandmore.com

All Pro Window Tinting 770-765-0885 / Chris DeLuca / https://www.allprowindowtinting.com/

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